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Austin Haynesworth

2010 high school student Beachwood High School.

Went on to -Yale University

Shreya Nayak

2010-2011 CWRU Undergraduate Psychology and Bioethics majors.

Went on to -MD student, The Ohio State University

Neurology resident, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Neurologist, Mayo Clinic.

Christian Castro Ruiz

2010-2011 CWRU PREP scholar.

Went on to -PhD student, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras

Shannon Wu

2011 high school student Orange High School.

Went on to -Stanford University

Irene Tsung

2011-2012 CWRU MS Student Biomedical Engineering

2010-2011 CWRU Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Major

Went on to -MD student, Indiana University

Internal Medicine Resident, University of Michigan

Internal Medicine Physician and Instructor, University of Michigan.

Leslie Cooperman

2009-2013 research assistant.

Went on to -RN student, CWRU

Clinical Research Nurse, Cleveland Clinic.

Jonathon Wanta

2010-2014 CWRU Undergraduate Psychology and Spanish majors.

Went on to -MD student, CWRU

Psychiatry Resident, University of Washington.

Sue Roy

2012-2015 High School Student Hathaway Brown School.

Went on to -University of Pennsylvania.