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Alaina Scavuzzo

2019 High School Student Highland High School.

Went on to -The Ohio State University.

Baraa Nawash

2015 & 2016 High school Student Brunswick High School.

2016-2020 CWRU Undergraduate, Biology Major.

Went on to -MD Student, University of Pittsburgh.

Lucille Hu

2017-2020 CWRU Undergraduate, Medical Anthropology and Biology Major.

Went on to -MD Student, CWRU.

Artur Gevorgyan

2018-2019 CWRU Undergraduate, Biochemistry Major, 2019-2021 Postbac Scholar.

Went on to -PhD Student, Brown/NIH.

Aakash Shah

2018-2021 CWRU Undergraduate, Economics Major.

Went on to -MD Student, CWRU.

Krisha Keeran

2020-2021 CWRU Undergraduate.

Went on to -University of Iowa.

Shay McDermott

2020-2022 High School student Shaker Heights High School.

Went on to -Case Western Reserve University.

Kevin Allan

2016-2021 CWRU MSTP (MD/PhD) Student.

Went on to - Medical School, CWRU.